Dev AuthPay


Please enter your details to register your account

Account Type
Login Information

Please choose a stronger password. Try a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Must include following 4 types:

  1. letters (A-Z,a-z)
  2. Numbers (0-9)
  3. Special characters (e.g.!@#$%^)
  4. Password minimum 12 character length

Please choose a stronger password. Try a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Must include following 4 types:

  1. letters (A-Z,a-z)
  2. Numbers (0-9)
  3. Special characters (e.g.!@#$%^)
  4. Password minimum 12 character length
Use 12 or more characters with a mix of letters, numbers & symbols
Location Information
Security Question
By clicking “REGISTER” I agree to AuthPay’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
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